Sunday, February 27, 2011

Women On The Go: Part 2

There they go again......

This sequence of damsels are primarily mobile in cars and vans, although we have one pretty traveller who began her trip in the trunk of a car and wound up buckled into an airplane seat. That's an interesting connection. Enjoy.....

Odds & Ends: Part 1

George Carlin once asked the question, if you have 24 odds and ends on a table and 23 fall off....what are left with, an odd or an end?

Unfortunately, George never had enough time to answer that question and the world is a little less interesting without him. At any rate, I've accrued a collection over the years that includes a great number of unidentified images. There are no copyright details, no web stamp...I have no idea who the model or the photographer are. They are, in fact, a collection of odds & ends.

I assume that many of these lost images are amateur in nature, but maybe not. If you have any clue as to the identity of either model or photographer, feel free to the meantime, enjoy these rare and obscure treats from people and points...unknown. Odds and ends.